Labelling Obesity A Disease

The aim of labelling addiction of any kind a disease is to minimize the social stigma and make it easier for people to seek and receive medical help. Labelling obesity as a disease serves the same function; regardless of whether the obesity is part of addicted eating or not. There are certainly cases when obesity is caused by other syndromes and diseases, or by medications taken for other health issues, but these cases do not reflect a significant percentage of the obese population.

The flip side – as outlined in this recent article on the psychological ramifications of labelling obesity a disease  – is that obesity is only effectively treated by a multi-level approach that absolutely must include behavioural lifestyle change. Without that key element no lasting weight loss will occur. By medicalizing obesity we may be inadvertently dis-empowering people, and sabotaging any chance they have at achieving a healthier lifestyle and weight. On the other hand it does aid in making access to important medical help possible.

It can be argued that obesity always, without fail, goes hand in hand with disordered thinking and mental health, but there is a lot more neurological and psychological research yet  to be done before we can state that with any certainty.

Labelling obesity a disease is well-intentioned, but it poses a difficult conundrum, and it’s important that serious conversation is happening around this topic.

~ Cindi Augustine 

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